:Base .\cs-rcs.hlp :Title ComponentSoftware RCS :Index ComponentSoftware RCS=cs-rcs.hlp 1 Welcome to ComponentSoftware RCS 2 Introduction=IDH_Introduction 2 Why Use an RCS?=IDH_WhyUse 2 How ComponentSoftware RCS Helps You=IDH_HowHelp 1 Quick-Start Tutorial 2 Introduction=IDH_QuickStart 2 Basic Concepts=BasicConcepts 2 Set Yourself Up=SetYourselfUp 2 Add a File to the CS-RCS Repository=AddaFile 2 View the Changes to a File=ViewtheChanges 2 Check-out the Latest Revision of a File=Check-out 2 Check-In a New Revision=Check-in 2 View the Revision History of a File=RevisionHistory 2 View the Global Picture=DocMng 2 Thank You=ThankYou 1 ComponentSoftware RCS Properties 2 Introduction=Properties 2 About Tab=PropertiesAboutHelp 2 File Types Tab=PropertiesFileTypesHelp 2 Projects Tab=PropertiesProjectsHelp 2 Advanced Tab=PropertiesAdvancedHelp 1 Efficiency Tips 2 Invoking the Context Menu=ContextMenu 2 Multiple File Operations=MultipleFile 2 RCS keywords=RCSkeywords 1 Command-line Interface 2 Basic Command-line Interface=BasicCmd 2 Advanced Command-line Interface=AdvCmd 1 Multi-user Environment Setup 2 Introduction=Mutiuserenv 2 The RCS Repository Server=Server 2 The RCS Workstation=Workstation 2 The Network=Network 2 Ten Easy Steps to Setup a Multi-user Environment=MultiTut 1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 2 Introduction=FAQ 2 ComponentSoftware RCS and GNU RCS=GNUFAQ 2 Evaluation and Registration=RegFAQ 2 CS-RCS Installation=InstallFAQ 2 Windows/UNIX Installation FAQ=UNIXWIN 2 How To...=HowFAQ